Ever since I started my new job I haven't quite been able to catch up on housework. When I get home I'm exhausted and there are so many hours of Internet tomfoolery and New Fall TV season programming to fill my three and a half short hours until it is time to go to bed again (oh yeah I now need to go to bed earlier than my senior citizen parents ... it's great!). Playing catchup was my ooh so exciting plan for this past weekend, but I was cruelly thwarted by a knockout bout of flu which was oh so considerately passed on to me by my new students. I survived kidney stones when I was 16 and back surgery when I was 21 and I am pretty sure I would not survive another go-around with this bug.
So now I have reach a critical level on the House Needs Cleaning scale. Starting tomorrow, as soon as I get home from work I need to start sorting, refusing, scrubbing, and washing. I have to lock myself away this weekend and come hell or high water it is all getting cleaned. I have over 40 hours of Nerdist podcasts ready and raring to go on my iPod. If they don't get me through nothing will!
Procrastination Pro-Tips: 2025.03.07
1 day ago
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