The dreaded Black Hole. Every knitter hits it, and unfortunately I have hit it with each of my 3 WIPs (two shawls and a blanket). I was seriously hoping to get one shawl finished in time to submit it to a Fall Harvest festival, but no matter how many hours I spent working on it last month I couldn't hit the halfway point. Sacre bleu!
My knitting frustration combined with starting a new job lack of concentration has led me to a reading binge so I haven't gotten any knitting done at all this past week. My knitting bag keeps staring up at me and I keep promising it and the shawl that I will pick them up as soon as I finish my book ... then I pick another book. My two main hobbies (reading and knitting) unfortunately don't work together unless you are listening to audio books. Luckily my library joined ListenNJ this summer and I am finally getting around to try it out. Tomorrow I plan to use my iPod to listen to Jesse Eisenberg reading Holly Black's Red Glove while I try to knit my way out of the stinking Black Hole!
Procrastination Pro-Tips: 2025.03.07
1 day ago
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