While taking a break from paper writing I am trying to sort through the jumble of thoughts I have in my head right now. Please keep in mind that I'm a little over-emotional right now before you choose to judge this free association list.
1. Woke up today and learned about the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, sigh.
2. While online trying to find out more about the above I saw a former friend's post about something totally unrelated to earthquakes. I actually commented for once, even though I kept second guessing whether or not I should. This got me thinking of how we once planned to celebrate my graduation from grad school, but for reasons I am not quite sure about we are no longer friends. Realize that this is probably a result of bad friend karma. I was a bad friend to others in the past and now it is coming back to haunt me. I need to take hold of what I am considering my Christmas Carol moment and work to be a better friend from this day forward.
3. In order to distract myself from these thoughts I got to thinking about a project I started planning last night. On twitter a while back I read about how Megan McCafferty was creating a Top 40 Songs list and I remember thinking that would make a great challenge. In preparation for paperpalooza this weekend I was looking over my playlists. I began to ponder what would make my personal top 40.
This is def. one that would make it:
4. While showering I thought about the fact that I liked my two favorite Elvis songs exactly equally. They are Suspicious Minds and In the Ghetto
So imagine my surprise when I then go to watch this week's episode of Harry's Law and I find out that In the Ghetto features heavily into the episode. Each episode so far of Harry's Law has made me tear up, but this one made me outright bawl.
5. So now I am back at step one where I am left wondering why life has to be so hard for some innocent people and while I ponder this my mother is watching the 25th Anniversary concert of Les Miserables and I know I will be crying again because a. come on have you ever seen Les Miserables? and b. This girl has a whole lot o' Eponine in her!
Procrastination Pro-Tips: 2025.03.07
1 day ago
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