Over a handful of years ago I fell into such a show. Its name was Instant Star. It aired after Degrassi, and at first whenever I saw a promo for it I mocked the concept. Then one evening I caught a few minutes and proceeded to develop a monster sized crush on this gentleman. Meet Kristopher Turner:

Seriously, It's an epic sized crush. I actually broke my "no fan girl letters" back in 2007and sent him an e-mail because I was really impressed by his performance in a Season Three episode. He wrote back the next day, thus cementing my crush forever.
This blog isn't really about him though, so moving on ...
I may have started watching Instant Star because of Kristopher Turner, but it was there that I first heard this:
and then this:
With that last song I fell head over heels in love with Alexz Johnson's voice.
Alexz Johnson is an amazingly talented Canadian Singer/Songwriter, who until this past week, quite frankly enough of the world had never heard of. This is all starting to change because after an Instant Star song was used in the Season One finale of Pretty Little Liars, #AlexzJohnson began trending worldwide on Twitter. She has a VOICE, not to mention heart, a way with words, and amazing strength of character. After being signed by then lost in the corporate shuffle by not one, but two major record labels she released her first indie album, Voodoo last year. A remix release of that album, Voodoo: Reloaded, comes out at the end of April.
May the whole world finally sit up and take notice! I'll be one of the first to buy tickets if she ever comes to my area ... hell I'd even save up and go to Toronto ... I'm still bummed I couldn't get up there when she was performing last summer.
Running With the Devil from her shelved Epic album Weight
Look At Those Eyes from Voodoo
and a new song Thief
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