I can't decide if my life is more like a seesaw or more like a merry-go-round spinning out of control ... either way it doesn't feel anything like a picnic.
The Highlights from My Day:
6:40 am - Woke up to cat projectile vomiting a hairball on to my quilt ... the quilt that had just recently been laundered to remove the evidence of the last hairball attack. Cleaned quilt to the best of my ability and tossed and turned until 7:30 am.
11:30 am - Was attacked by various office supplies ... this actually happened a few times today. The hole-puncher and I have a re-match scheduled for tomorrow. I'm pretty sure the printer is taking bets.
2:40 pm - Received phone call explaining that my ride .... aka my mother (car ownership & my driving issues are a WHOLE other story) ... will be late because of a Cold Case episode.
3:20 pm - 3:45 pm - Received additional phone call, this one from a hysterically sobbing mother, explaining that she had fallen and couldn't get up. No she's not like the woman in the commercial. She's only 61, but she has M.S. and is awaiting a hip replacement, so mobility is not her strong suit. Am having heart palpitations thinking about the fact that she is home alone, when kind boss whisks me home quickly & I play Mission Extricate Mom From The Spot Where She Is Wedged ... final tip: tank tops work well as the basis for a leverage system ... and the ending of Cold Case was apparently predictable.
add in grocery store excursions, homework, cooking, money woes, bill paying, and other various good daughter activities ... plus the stuff I'm unwilling to bore you with/fess up to ... and you basically have every day of my life lately. Sure there are many, many people who are worse off, but man somethings got to give soon!
sheesh and it isn't even May yet!
Procrastination Pro-Tips: 2025.03.07
1 day ago
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